Notes from the Balcony

Ongoing comment and dialogue on being a new church in a new world - A Blog by John Montgomery

[The Bible] is not, for a start, a list of rules, though it contains many commandments of various sorts and in various contexts. Nor is it a compendium of true doctrines, though, of course, many parts of the Bible declare great truths about God, Jesus, the world and ourselves in no uncertain terms. Most of its constituent parts, and all of it when put together (whether in the Jewish canonical form or the Christian form), can best be described as story. This is a complicated and much-discussed theme, but there is nothing to be gained by ignoring it. - N.T. Wright

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thou shall not bear false witness...

Apparently all those evangelical pundits who make such a big deal of insisting that the Ten Commandments be placed in the public square are more concerned with displaying them rather than obeying them. Of course, they simply ignore the fact that in the Jewish tradition - the tradition to whom this construct belongs - there are more than 600 commandments.

Recently, noted psychologist Carol Gilligan pointed our how James Dobson grossly misrepresented her research to claim that she had found that children are better off with a married mother and father rather than same-sex parents.

Apparently lying is okay if it is in service of the religious right's ideological agenda!

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