Notes from the Balcony

Ongoing comment and dialogue on being a new church in a new world - A Blog by John Montgomery

[The Bible] is not, for a start, a list of rules, though it contains many commandments of various sorts and in various contexts. Nor is it a compendium of true doctrines, though, of course, many parts of the Bible declare great truths about God, Jesus, the world and ourselves in no uncertain terms. Most of its constituent parts, and all of it when put together (whether in the Jewish canonical form or the Christian form), can best be described as story. This is a complicated and much-discussed theme, but there is nothing to be gained by ignoring it. - N.T. Wright

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Can we wait any longer

MLK's famous statement in his Letter From a Birmingham Jail spoke to the issue of why we can't wait. As we move toward annual conference season in the United Methodist Church, it is becoming clear that somethings can not wait.

We must say loud and clear -

Homosexuality (and related GLT issues) is not an abomination!

If it is an abominatiom, the let's stone them all.

What is an abomination is our church's continued discrimination.

Christian Science Monitor published an article recently that the resolution submitted to the Council of Bishops by retired bishop Jack Tuell which would shift the focus from the condemation of homosexual relationships to sexual playing around prior to marriage outside of committed, legal relationships heterosexual or homosexual was tabled by the council's administrative committee. The resolution also contained the following phrase, suggesting that the present stance, "is based on highly questionable theology and biblical understanding and causes profound hurt to thousands of loyal United Methodist members and potential members."

Bishop Roberrt Haynes was quoted as saying that advancing the resolution would have "proven to be divisive and counterproduction to the unity that currently exists."

What tripe! There is no unity - there is only coerced silence.

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